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hidden door

Nutzer: engel_85
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 24.07.2003
Anzahl Nachrichten: 7

geschrieben am: 28.08.2003    um 22:45 Uhr   

In my head there is
A little place
Where I`m hiding my
Real “face”

Only few get the key
To that door and are
Allowed to see what I`m
Thinking and looking for.

The others won`t understand
How I behave and feel
But that`s
Not my deal

I don´t really care what
People without the key
Think of me,
I try to take it easy.

Anger is neither bad
Nor good, I hope you
Folks understood,
I think you could.

Don`t ever hide what
You think and feel,
Instead get rid off it so
that you won`t become mad.

This world exists in
A prison of rules, but
Humans are allowed
To be fools.

(c) by me
Nutzer: Develish
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 09.06.2001
Anzahl Nachrichten: 608

geschrieben am: 28.08.2003    um 23:24 Uhr   
gutes gedicht.. :)