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~~* When You're away *~~

Nutzer: pilgrim
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 27.03.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 607

geschrieben am: 29.01.2003    um 21:20 Uhr   

~~* When You're Away *~~
by Carla Marie Adair

Your words are like a whisper
that haunts me in the night;
with every special word you say
my aching heart takes flight.

With every single touch you give,
although not really there,
the love I feel so deep inside
forever we will share.

Imagine what would happen
if together we could be;
our hearts would melt together,
our love, forever free.

I know they're right, the things,
I feel so deep for you,
but deep inside my aching heart
I'll be always loving you.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Ich liebe dich mein Bär......

Nutzer: pilgrim
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 27.03.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 607

geschrieben am: 29.01.2003    um 21:22 Uhr   

~~* Forever *~~
by Micah T. Steele

The oceans may dry with drought,
The sky may lose its blue;
But one thing that will never end,
Is my undying love for you.

Stone walls erected may crumble soon,
And clothes will rip and tear;
But the one thing that will never happen,
Is that I will cease to care.

In shallow waters it seemed I lived,
My companions were pain and strife.
My mother may have birthed me,
But your love gave me life.

My body lies in waiting,
My soul is filled with bliss.
With memories of me and you,
I hunger for your kiss.

Pain and suffering means nothing,
When I'm with you, they are but lies.
Your gentle touch, your softest breath
...As I look into your eyes.

Being in your presence,
strips every form of my control.
Your smile warms my very heart,
Your touch, my very soul.

And when I die and go to heaven,
When death replaces birth,
I'll recognize the angels' faces,
For I lived with one on earth.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Geändert am 29.01.2003 um 21:23 Uhr von pilgrim