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Englische Umfrage (für Schule)

Nutzer: Babsi_13
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 28.11.2001
Anzahl Nachrichten: 21

geschrieben am: 11.01.2005    um 16:32 Uhr   
Hi LeutzZz!
Also I muss mit n paar freundinnen im Englischunterricht ne Umfrage macha und wir ham des Thema "Essensprobleme"
Es wär echt nett wenn n paar von euch den ausfüllen würden
Also Hier isser:
Survey of "eating problems"
1.Boy or Girl?
2.How old are you?
3.Do you have eating problems?/Do you know somebody who has eating problems?
4.What's your/his/her eating problem like?
5.What do you think are consequences of eating problems?Name 3.
7.Do you agree?
"Eating problems mostly result from family-and schoolproblems and stress"
8.How can you help somebody with eating problems?
Put these statements in order from "most important" to "less important".
-speak with him/her
-speak with his/her parents
-go with him/her to a eating-problem-help-station
9.Do you think the media have influence on eating problems?
10.Do you think the models are idols for the people who have eating problems?

Thx,schomal im vorraus
Nutzer: GaNgStEr_BaBe
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 07.05.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 359

geschrieben am: 11.01.2005    um 19:27 Uhr   

4. /,psyche and familie/friends...suffer
7.Not only family- and schoolproblems and stress also the media and idols.
8.Speak with him/her
speak with his/her parents
go with him/her to a eating-problem-help-station
10.Quite often..but also the Stars from Tv an music


Geändert am 11.01.2005 um 19:28 Uhr von GaNgStEr_BaBe

Geändert am 11.01.2005 um 19:29 Uhr von GaNgStEr_BaBe