"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:05 Uhr
<i><center>Stupid Thread.
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:05 Uhr
und zu der (_sweetdream_) fahr ick am freitag.
ick hab angst *zitter*
bye |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:06 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> Tomorrow we are going to Germany
Oh yes, I have seen Dirty Dieter too [love] Woah my heart is gone b00m b00m
And we will see him I can`t understand this... Woah
Polska rulezZz
Love u Kordula :)
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:07 Uhr
`Cuz it`s goil!
Who are you???
P O L S K A  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:08 Uhr
und zu der (_sweetdream_) fahr ick am freitag.
ick hab angst *zitter*
What have you say? Sorry, I don`t understand you
I`m from Polska  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:12 Uhr
Gundula [love]
you are so great! And Dieter *schmelz*
So, babe? I hope, we`ll get some t-shirts,
because they are very begehrt!
I love you
Kordula  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:13 Uhr
und zu der (_sweetdream_) fahr ick am freitag.
ick hab angst *zitter*
What have you say? Sorry, I don`t understand you
I`m from Polska (/zitat)
r u gay?!? |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:16 Uhr
No, I`m not gay
I love Gundula
mir isch langweilig  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:17 Uhr
(zitat)No, I`m not gay
I love Gundula
mir isch langweilig (/zitat)
who ask u?! |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:17 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> Let`s start and buy some dirty shirts
The camels are waiting of us, I love them, they are so fast
And Kordula? We must look for a hotel, where we can sleep with Dieter of course 
Woah I love him, but I love you more than I can say
Your Gundula zZz
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:22 Uhr
Oh my big love Gundula
I love you too!! [love] So let`s run to the camels, they can be very zickig.
But Dieter is my little Affäre you know. So Psssst!
I hope the t-shirts will be wonderful, but I think so.
They are from .-z polska [love]
So, kisses Kordula  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:34 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> You and your Dieter, very very nice :)
I have a question:
Will we married in Germany?
That is a great wish from me, I will be so happy
The camels outside are doing something [sau] iges
Now let``s start and ride
I`m so happy with you Kordula
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:38 Uhr
<i> <center> <font color= "33ccff">
Oh Gundula,
you make me so happy. Yes; I will marrie yoe Because I love you [love] So, I hope we`ll be soon in Germany!
Ich kann es kaum erwarten.
My Gundula :-h
In love, Kordula |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:43 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> Tomorrow we are in Germany Kordula
Then we can marrie in a church
Love you
Woah I´m very happy my little Polska~Maus
Gundula&Kordula 4~ever
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:46 Uhr
My dear Gundula
I`m so lucky! But before we start with our trip, I have to take our dog.... Wait.
So. Now we can start. Are you ready? |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:50 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> Oh yes, our sweet dog
We don`t forget him, our little Schnuff~Schnuff :)
Ok, I´m ready, we can start...
Camels we are comming
Where will we sleep tonight?
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:52 Uhr
Oh Schnuff-Schnuff.
Hmm, I don`t know, du you know a hotel or something else?
A castl would be nice...
So, let`s start. No, before we forget it, I want to take some Schoki Do you have some chocolate? |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 22:57 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> We can look, maybe we find a castle on our road
Or we sleep together in a tent, but than we must took one from our home, that is to hard
Chocolate my favourite Naschi~Naschi
I will look for something to eat!
Maybe we can do Mc Drive with our camels
Chicken MC Nuggets
We will see  |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 23:00 Uhr
Oh Schoki
I love it. Yes, maybe we have luck and find a castle which is emty and so we can sleep there.
Yes, a Mc Donals wuold be okay, but I think camels are forbidden, or nor?! I mean, camels are camels.
Love ya |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 01.10.2003 um 23:03 Uhr
<i><center><font color="33ccff"> Ok, I think we can stop hear until tomorrow.
It`s late and we can sleep in a few minutes.
Tomorrow we will write something more
When are you at home and in the Internet?
LuV Ya  |