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~* Do you know? *~

Nutzer: pilgrim
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 27.03.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 607

geschrieben am: 08.06.2004    um 12:29 Uhr   

I remember every second
I joined with you
I dream you
every night
I can see every detail
of your face
Everything is burned in my mind
But it hurts so much to think of this wunderful time
because you don't want it back
I can't accept
I can't forget
It was so wonderful with you
All I want is
having back this time
lying in your arms again
feeling you by my side
feel the temperature rising while I'm with you
have a sense in my life

You have taken my will to live
You have taken my strength
You have taken my heart

Come back to my
let my be with you
let me feel the temperature rising
give me a sense to live
