"Autor" |
-I don't need you anymore- |
geschrieben am: 23.04.2004 um 20:16 Uhr
<i><center>- I don't need you anymore -
All my life I've searched for a person like you
I liked your voice, your skin -> everything you do
But something was happenend suddenly
One day you wasn't there for me
From that moment on I felt down and sad
'Cause you was the first "love" I've ever had
But I've changed - You can go away
I haven't said that you must stay
Don't you know the reason that I kissed you was to say Goodbye?
Tell me: Did you really ever think that I'm too shy?
Darling, believe me: It isn't right
Everytime I need you, you're not by my side
So it is time now to end this story
In fact: I don't need you anymore, sorry
Mh, gerade spontan geschrieben *gg*
Etwas komisch, aber egal, sagt alles was wichtig ist *fg
True Friendship Is Like Sound Health
- The Value Of It Is Seldom Known Until It Is Lost! |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 23.04.2004 um 21:45 Uhr
(zitat)<i><center>Don't you know the reason that I kissed you was to say Goodbye?(/zitat)
</center></i>das ist ne zeile aus avril lavigne - i don't give a damn ..und es gibt da noch so paar wendungen/zeilen, die mir bekannt vorkommen.. aber naja.. sind uch paar grammatikfehler drin
<-klugscheißer, besserwisser und sowieso an allem schuld :)
Develish Geändert am 23.04.2004 um 21:47 Uhr von Develish |
"Autor" |
geschrieben am: 24.04.2004 um 01:44 Uhr
<i><center>Ich weiß, dass die Zeile von Avril geklaut ist..
Kenn' eh jeden Text von ihr auswendig..
Aber das andere hab' ich selbst geschrieben ;)
Zumindest kannte ich diese Wendungen/Zeilen vorher nicht :)
Und Grammatik-Fehler ?!
Nobody is perfect  |
True Friendship Is Like Sound Health
- The Value Of It Is Seldom Known Until It Is Lost! |