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Nutzer: DiNoGiRl
Status: Profiuser
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Registriert seit: 04.08.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 1013

geschrieben am: 21.11.2003    um 12:03 Uhr   
<i> <center> <font color="0000FF"> Das Gedicht ist nicht von mir, aber ich find´s immer wieder schön..

An die Leute, zu denen es momentan passtss

Dream of you
You are in my dreams and thoughts
Floating like water through my mind
When I ´m awake, I live my life
Though I wish you would live with me.
When I ´m asleep
I dream of you
The only time when I can be with you.
Oh how I wish I could look into your eyes
And how I wish I could see your smile.
My only chance to be with you
Is hand in hand through wonderland.
I want your touch,
I want your love,
I want you with me through all my life.
Thinking of you makes my day so wonderful
Talking to you makes my day even better.
Wanting you is one of my desires
But the want has also me inspired
To write this poem about me and you
I swear I will never forget my first love to you

Geändert am 21.11.2003 um 12:04 Uhr von DiNoGiRl