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chatting away

Nutzer: engel_m
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 19.09.2003
Anzahl Nachrichten: 9

geschrieben am: 25.09.2003    um 16:43 Uhr   
I`m so happy, because people hate me.
It`s a simple machinery....they just
don`t understand me...
But some people still like me...
Some are near, others are far away...
But there`s always someone to talk to
if there`s a "mayday".
You don`t know who the people out
there are... most times you don`t even
feel something... but some thoughts
are still amazing.
"How are you?"
-"I`m blue."
-"Oh, why?"
-"Perhaps I´m shy..."
-" mom called me...sorry, bye..."
People there talk but they are saying nothing.
Having fun ist more their thing...
Killing time...nothing really has a meaning
The ones without "hot-pants" may become
real friends.
You can`t have sex through a pc... but for
some "people" it helps to "get off"....whee....
I myself think that`s just crazy...
Stay lazy!

(c) by me
Geändert am 25.09.2003 um 16:44 Uhr von engel_m